Puppies 2012

Puppies 2012
Cherry & Maverick 10-04-2012

Friday, May 10, 2013

Donny saying good-bye

Donny has thoroughly enjoyed his first litter of pups -- This is little Casey with her new mama, and Donny is giving her last minute instructions -  A picture with taking --

Sunday, May 5, 2013

And then - there was one

Casey's family is coming next week to pick her up - so for one week, we have a puppy to play with.
She's resting in her crate right now -- getting ready to go outside and play this afternoon.  I'm going to have her help me pull weeds -- should be interesting!!! lol

New Puppies!!!

Cherry and Donny's pups arrived May 2nd -- 3 girls and 4 boys.   They are red/white and brown/white -- they look a little dark in the picture -- everyone is doing fine!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Important message

Dear puppy families,   I cannot access the email associated with our website.  It appears that our computer has a virus.   Please call us until we can get this resolved.  Home phone is 724 654 5680.  My cell is 724 674 0933.

I have not seen any emails for a couple of days   Computers are great when they work.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Smile for the camera!

okay -- count them - all five are here --

From left to right --Front Row: Casey - Lexus - Patrick.   Back Row: (in the wagon) Zoe then Elvis.  I wish we had a bigger wagon!!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Our 1st trip to the vet

Well, today was the big day -- first time for a car ride (no one got sick - yeah!!).  Aunt Kathy was able to go with us and help carry the crate into the vet's office -- needless to say - we make a statement when we arrived -- a crate full of absolutely darling pups makes every one ooohh and awww!!  Even the people with cats couldn't help but adore them!

Everyone had a clean bill of health:

  • Eyes and eyelids checked
  • Teeth/bite checked
  • Hearts listened to -- check!
  • Check for hernia's -- good to go!!!
  • Ears checked
  • Boys were checked for testicles -- all accounted for!

And - what we all love the best:  we were weighed:

  1. Lexus 4.3 lbs
  2. Casey 4.2 lbs
  3. Elvis 4.9 lbs
  4. Patrick 5.3 lbs (it's all muscle!)
  5. Zoe 4.4 lbs
They all received their 1st set of shots.  You will receive a record of what was given - and should plan on making their next vet appointment in about 3-4 weeks for the next round.  Heartworm is prevalent in our area.  The doctor gave me heartworm pills - which I will give them this weekend.  We don't want to over burden their little systems today with more chemicals.  I was happy with their check-up.  They came home -- played out in the grass - destroyed my tulips -- ate their lunch and are sleeping soundly. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Drum Roll, please


After much thought and deliberation -- my name is Casey -- no more "lil tri girl - or Grace" from Ralph and Lois -- I know my name!!!