Puppies 2012

Puppies 2012
Cherry & Maverick 10-04-2012

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Too cute not to share

A friend sent this e-mail to us - had to share.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Brother and Sister

This is Callie and Gene Kelly - soon they will go their separate ways ~ on to their new families.

I think they enjoy every minute together but also look forward to their new homes

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Gene Kelly - picking a daisy

It might be a rainy day, but our little Gene Kelly is trying to brighten it up ~ picking a daisy -

We got our shots and didn't cry!

We're exhausted ~ our first time in the car and our first visit to the vet. Dr Sherry checked us out from our noses to our tails. Everyone is perfect! We had our first shots without one whimper. There's only 3 of us in this picture - don't worry -- we didn't leave anyone at Dr. Sherry's office - even though everyone in the waiting room loved us. This Gene Kelly and his sisters in the picture. Callie is using Pebbles as a pillow!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Squeaky Toys

Little Callie is the first pup to make the squeaky toy "sqeak"! I hope they have squeaky toys in Harrisburg - that's Callie new home -- Maybe I should say "I hope they have "earplugs" in in Harrisburg! -- Enjoy

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Peek - Boo - from Gene Kelly

I can see you from under the shrub - can you see me??

You can't see me! I'm hiding in the "ground cover" - almost asleep! Peek=A-Boo!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Anyone for a picnic?

Clark Gable - don't stand in the food!
There's room for everyone~

Friday, September 11, 2009

How Many puppies can one person hold?

Our First Outing!

Here we are our first official day of being in the great out of doors! Okay, who is missing? I only count 4 puppies - don't tell our Mama, Mercedes.
Now, we have 5 puppies - all is safe!

G-ma, Lois is not far away. These kids are much too precious!


I'm not sure what to even write about 9-11. It changed the lives of millions. Certainly, I remember what I was doing - where I was. We were all in shock and terror as the towers in New York fell -
The reports from Schenksville brought it very close to home. One gleaming shred of light came from Todd Beamer. If you ever have a chance, read his wife's (Lisa Beamer) book, "Let's Roll", do it.
Have a blessed day, Lois

Monday, September 7, 2009


Here are the girls ~ Pebbles and Callie~
You couldn't ask for cuter cheerleaders! Go Team!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Well, they do call it Labor Day!

We primarily heat our home with wood - which isn't a bad thing. Actually, the warmth from wood heat cannot be beat on a really cold day.

Splitting wood can be challening. In our younger days, we did not own a woodsplitter - now I wonder how we did it without one. As I said "younger days" ~

The cockers really don't help too much. It's just nice for them to relax - maybe they're supervising

I really think Rain would ride in the wheelbarrow - maybe we'll try later

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Safe Driving for the Holiday!

If you're driving and you can see my license plate, you're too close! lol
I got this for Christmas last year - I told Ralph I need one that says "I love my Cocker Spaniels!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

lunch time

Well, the kids got their first taste of real food - Actually Gerber's Baby Rice Cereal - Almost everyone liked it. Little Callie coudn't get enough -

Join them to see everyone eating their lunch !

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Late again!

Our little Gene Kelly just cannot get moving in the morning. 2nd day of school - dance class is waiting - and he's dreaming. Of course, it's only 40 degrees in Sunset Valley this morning. It was hard for everyone to wake up -- have a great day!