Puppies 2012

Puppies 2012
Cherry & Maverick 10-04-2012

Sunday, February 28, 2010

This snow is perfect for snowmen and snowballs.  Zach is teasing Rain with a small snowball. 

He continues to roll the big snowball, but Rain demands attention.

We have given up on our snowman . . . Snowballs are too heavy to lift to finish our task.  A quick shot of Rain on top of our "would be" masterpiece, and we head back inside to dry off.  Better luck tomorrow.

Mercedes in the snow . . .

Such Brave Souls

Mercedes leads the way as they venture out for another day.  This is actually a small snowfall from what we had before.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sledding anyone?

Well, I am headed out  - to yet again - shovel snow. Sunset Valley has turned into SNOW Valley.  Thought you would enjoy a picture from last year.  Little Joker at 3 weeks of age.  He should have had a hat on too!

Friday, February 26, 2010

I'm so pretty . . .

If you want to see a pretty "tri" girl, look at me!

Just take a second and check out my poses . . .

I can sit so pretty for the camera!

- This is my shy look
And now for my final pose -- l'll do a trick!

Snowball Anyone?

Front View - Snowballs

Rear View - Snowballs

Any View At All -- Snowballs . . . Help!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

More Amazing Pictures from our friend on Flckr

This is a regular digital picture of Rain taken in the fall.  Watch the magic of what it becomes . . .

The gentleman that I met on Flickr has a software program to turn a regular photo into a painting!  What do you think?
Please leave a comment - I really like it!  Modern technology!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Baby Callie / Remember Judy Garland

This is one of my favorite "baby" puppy shots of all time.  She should be on the front of a card.

Now, Callie is growing up to be a beautiful lady.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Snow Time for Callie

Notice how carefully I'm walking?  Amy still hasn't gotten me my boots!  I am such a brave girl and queen of the snow pile!

This is much better - inside safe and warm with my blankie!

Christmas Morning with Callie

A present just for me!  What do you mean - don't rip the paper we're saving it for next year? Let me at this present!

My work here is done . . . How many more days until next Christmas?

Cool Pictures

I recently started putting some of our pictures on Flickr - I found the picture of a buff cocker there that just caught my eye - It turns out that he lives in Canada with his owner -- we've e-mailed back and forth a couple of times.  He is a very creative guy and a great photographer!  He saw some of Willow's (Mercedes first daughter) pictures and made a composite picutre out of them! 

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Friday, Jr reporting in from Arkansas

Well, even our boy, Friday, Jr. has experienced snow this year.  We won't tell him how much snow we've had here in Pennsylvania.  His family has reported nothing but good things from Friday.  He loves to run, play and pick up sticks.  They also told me that he drops the sticks at the door before he comes inside - That's such a good boy!  He makes us proud!

Do We have Mountain Lions in Pennsylvania?

Well, I guess the answer is yes! 

This is the e-mail we received from Connie Probst - This was about 30 miles from Grumble Rock Farms (she owns "Charlie".)


This cat weighed about 80# and was shot at about the property line of Esther Houseknecht

and the neighboring property. This is about 2 miles south of North Mountain in Lycoming Co.

PA…of course, our state game commission says we don’t have any‼ HA!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

K-9 Swine Flue

This fellow is still being cautious about the Swine flu!  He's  a good boy to keep the facemask on - I'm not sure our kids would be so willing!

Puppies 2009 / Clancy

Ready to go home to Pittsburgh

I think Clancy (formerly Spencer Tracy) liked this photo shoot. It looks like he's digging for treasure!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Puppies 2009 / Pebbles

2 Weeks old
8 Weeks old
We've decided to take a look back at 2009 - You may have seen some of these pictures before, but I think they are worth viewing again. Just like looking at old photo albulms. This is Pebbles. Her litter name was "Greta Garbo". She was the last puppy born in Mercedes' August 10th litter.

Monday, February 15, 2010

A picture is Worth 7,000 Doggie Words

I have posted on the blog several times about how wonderful Ivy's new family is. This is her picture in the snow. They have shoveled a path just for her. If spring ever arrives in Pennsylvania, they are planning on expanding their fenced in back yard to extend to the entire yard so that Ivy won't miss out on any family activities. If you still aren't convinced - check out the next picture.
Who is the most content? My prayers for Ivy are answered.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

We want to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day! Rain has returned home from her date with Charlie. She did participate in Cupid's games and hopefully will have puppies in mid April. I can't tell you how glad she is to be home. She is one very spoiled little girl and wouldn't eat the last two days she was at the kennel. Of course, now that she's home she's eating, running through the house with her toys, and has resumed her role as Princess. lol -- it's a dog's life!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Love is in the Air!

Last Sunday we made a trip to Grumble Rock Farms to visit our friends Connie and Bob Probst. We also made the trip to drop off our little girl, Rain to have a rendevouz with Charlie. We were hoping Cupid would be visiting there with them.

We got an e-mail from Connie today that Cupid is working his magic. Cross your fingers for puppies. We can't wait to see what Rain can produce. She is a striking dog with her merle colors and one blue eye!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Safe Harbor in a Storm

Notice - I have conveniently asked my family to place this chair next to the window so that I can view the outside conditions without leaving the comfort of my home.
Then, I realize my fate - I have to venture outside. Thank goodness for my black spots, or I'd be lost in the great, vast white!

This is my "please open the door if you love me"!

This is a good time to play inside with my sister.

Now, I have saved the best for last - Up on my soft, comfy pillow . . . Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow . . . Pebbles

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Have dog - will travel (or should I say tunnel?)

This is Cheyenne scouting for her family - or - this is Cheyenne desparate to find the chewtoy she hid and now cannot find!
Wasn't it nice of her family to dig out a spot just her size?

It looks like she's not taking any chances of losing her family. They need to be in her sight at all times. I'm really glad she's not white.
Cheyenne and her family were blessed with 23" of snow. It looks like they had a fun day . . . Thanks for sharing everyone!