Puppies 2012

Puppies 2012
Cherry & Maverick 10-04-2012

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy Christmas Memories!

Candy & Clark resting

Candy searching in the wrapping paper

3 pups at their grandma's house on Christmas - Candy (pup on the right) was a present for Grandma and Grandpa - she still visits and plays with Clark & Snickers

And they always like the bows!

Candy trying to open her present - I bet she doesn't want any help!

Clark (left) and Snickers (right)

Our miracle puppy! His new bed is almost as cute as he is!

1 comment:

  1. They are all adorable!!! I love the markings on Snickers tooooooo cute! Why is it we just want them all? :)
