Puppies 2012

Puppies 2012
Cherry & Maverick 10-04-2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012

SBG Reunion 2012

This is me and Mercedes at the picnic table

Mercedes is in the picture and a beautiful Brwn/White puppy belonging to Connie Probst (he's looking for a home) the little puppy went home with his new family after the reunion - he was bred by Connie too!

Mercedes & I are in the back - Connie Probst to my right - Phil (Mary's husband is holding our Birdie's puppy from 2010 - his name is "Boomer" They live in New Jersey

I don't think everyone is in the photo - but they tried for a group shot - Wonderful dogs - wonderful people
Saturday, June 16th was the 2nd annual Stone Broke Gardens Reunion at Knobles Amusement Park near Bloomsburg, PA.  This is Memory of our dear friend Mary and in honor of her husband Philip.  Mary was a dear friend of mine and fellow cocker lover.  She passed away last August from pancreatic cancer.  She gave us Birdie.

Over the years she has bred 100's of puppies and some of them gathered with their puppies to celebrate the wonderful person she was.  I went with another wonderful friend of mine, Connie Probst to the even.  In total there were 44 people and 28 dogs. People traveled from New Jersey, New York, Maryland and as far away as Wisconsin.   It was a very long day - but worth every mile and every minute.  Mercedes was the only dog I took with me.  We left New Castle at 5:00 a.m. and returned home at 9:00 p.m. 


  1. Lois,

    It was so wonderful to meet you on Saturday! What a wonderful day meeting all these great people and their dogs. I am looking forward to next year's already! I am glad you had a safe trip home. Mercedes was such a cutie pie!

    Solo, Coco, Gigi and Cooper's Mom.

  2. Kendra - it was great to meet you too - You really had your hands full. Connie told me what great care you take of them - it shows. Gigi looks good - you're a good mom :))

  3. Thank you! I did have my hands full but I have to say they were pretty well behaved for all the excitement! :) Connie has been so wonderful to me. I can never repay her. All the tearful phone calls I put her through. It was quite a struggle with Gigi but whew we made it! I think next year I will just bring the girls so then hopefully I can visit with people a little better! ;)
