Puppies 2012

Puppies 2012
Cherry & Maverick 10-04-2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Visitors Welcome!

Well - Cosmos' new mama came to visit tonight - we have been a little reluctant to have visitors for this litter as it Cherry's first time as being the mama.  Cherry did fine - she was more interested in having attention than being worried about her puppies.
Cosmos and his mom had a great visit -- he showed her that he really knows how to eat his cereal - and -- he knows how to bark!  Hope that wasn't a bad impression-- LOL!!!
If anyone in the area wants to visit, we'd be glad to have you.  Just give us a call or e-mail -- Evenings after 5:30 or anytime on weekends is fine!  We want to share them with you . . .             Lois
P.S. they have moved to a bigger crate located in our living room since we had a couple of espacappee's in the smaller box in my bedroom --                   Lois

1 comment:

  1. I can almost bet Zoe was one of the escapees lol. Our oldest one was!
