Puppies 2012

Puppies 2012
Cherry & Maverick 10-04-2012

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

2 Legged Kids and 4 Legged Kids

Here's our friend, Renee-
boy and girl 2 legged kids and boy and girl 4 legged kis. Both two-legged absolutely belong and and are adored by Renee!
Willow (4-legged girl) and Cooper (4 legged boy) are also part of the family!
Obvisouly, two legged come first, but are the 4 legged darling too?
Belated Happy Mother's Day, Renee!
You have a beautiful family.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

You Scream - We All Scream -- for Ice Cream

Here's our beautiful Willow enjoying a summer treat! She might be a little bit spoiled ~~
Willow is a puppy from Mercedes first litter - she looks so much like her mom! ~~ She lives with her family in North Royalton, Ohio.
Thanks for the pictures! We'll be posting more to the blog to show her off!

Look How Big We Are!

This picture was taken exactly 7 days after their last group picture (an older posting in the blog ~ They hardly all fit - Don't they look chubby? That's because they are!
Clark Gable and Gene Kelly are still looking for their perfect homes.
Judy Garland is now "Callie" and Spencer Tracy is "Clancy". Greta is waiting for her perfect, forever name.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Our version was a hit!

Top photo with the yellow roses was a photo I found on the internet and wanted to duplicate for my boss' 10th anniversary.

Lower photo with red roses is what my co-worker and I re-created for her party. Everyone loved it!

This was definately a "green" centerpiece - look out local florists - here we come! It was a great celebraion!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Breakfast with Mom!

Here we are! Breakfast time. Mom's table is big enough for us all to eat at the same time. We're 6 days old - aren't we growing fast?!?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Clark Gable - Who would have thought he was shy!

Clark was not interested in the camra. We had to help him show his handsome face -
Click here to visit him & his brothers & sisters.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Well, Here's 4 of the crew!

I'm not sure who missed the photo shoot. He must have seen his chance to have a little "Mommy and Me" time by himself! lol Website is updated with all of the kids.

Enjoy Link to Nursery Be sure to click on "newborn" for individual pictures -


Mercedes and Charlie have 5 puppies. Born 8-10-2009 -

1 red/white male
2 black/white males (they might be tri)
2 black/white females - also might be tri's

I'm off to work. Our wait list will be contacted by tonight and the precious newborn pictures will be on the website later this evening.

Mom and babies are resting - I wish I was too!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Puppy update!

First puppy was born at 7:25 p.m.. Red/White male

Second puppy 7:59 male puppy black/white

Third puppy born 10:10 male black/white

Fourth puppy born 10:28 female black/white

More to come . . . Think girls!

Puppies are coming today!

Check back tonight - we should have them by then. Mercedes is doing great ~~ wish us luck!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Is she playing "peek-a-boo"?

That's what I think this little girl is doing! She's hiding behind her big dog, and someone is playing peek-a-boo with her !! lol I'm not sure the dog sees any humor in this. Have a great Saturday ~~

Monday, August 3, 2009

Did you know it's National Watermelon Day?

Personally, I didn't know that until someone sent me an e-card today celebrating the holiday. What fun! A card for everything. Of course when I got home, I had to Google it, and it is a holiday - even though not well known! If you like watermelon - enjoy!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

So much rain ~

This is actually a fungus growing on the trunk of a huge oak tree at the end of our driveway. It looks small in these pictures, but it is actually quite large. Isn't Mother Nature amazing!