Puppies 2012

Puppies 2012
Cherry & Maverick 10-04-2012

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I'm headed for Texas

Here I am - Born in Pennsylvania - moved to Arkansas - spend part of my time in Illionois and now --  look out Texas here I come!  This is Friday, Jr.  He's traveling with his family to San Antonio on business.  How many cockers - or dogs in general - go with their families  everywhere?  Friday Jr. is truly a lucky boy.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Are Diamonds a girl's best friend?

Well, maybe they are - but Willow is quite the fashion queen in her pearls! Pearls are classic for any occasion - Do you think I could borrow them?  lol!!

Eat your heart out, Princess Di --

Monday, May 17, 2010

Rest in Peace, friend

This is our Canadian friend, Max.  I had met Max's owner on Flickr earlier this year.  Max has passed away - our sympathy goes out to his family.  Click here to read his memorial -- he'll never be forgotten.

Too fast - Too furious!

After a crazy thunderstorm two weeks ago, we're back online.  We got a new modum - no luck - New network card in the computer - no luck . . . hours on the phone - no luck.  Today, we're back in business thanks to the Verizon repairman.   More pictures soon!  Thanks for hanging in there!