Puppies 2012

Puppies 2012
Cherry & Maverick 10-04-2012

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mercedes & Lexie

I almost forgot this picture!

Early Mother's Day surprise for Mercedes

I love her face!

Okay -- I love all of her!

Monday, April 16, 2012

The boys visit

This is Snickers - now know as Nick - almost the same name.  He is Birdie & Charlie's surprise boy from last fall -- really looks like Birdie


Now, here is Clark!  Wasn't sure he wanted his picture taken but did like the blanket!

Isn't he a handsome boy?  This is Mercedes' & Llinger puppy - 4 days older than Nick!

It was a wonderful visit - love seeing the puppies growing up.  These guys are almost 6 month old - unbelievable has time flies -- love them both!