Puppies 2012

Puppies 2012
Cherry & Maverick 10-04-2012

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Do you like my summer "do"?

Our beautiful Pebbles is sporting her summer clip.  She's cool and still stylist!  I cannot believe Mercedes 2009 pups are almost a year old!
This is also pebbles - she's using her adopted sister as a pillow!  It doesn't look like she minds.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

What to do on a Sunday afternoon -

Here we are on a Sunday afternoon . . . hot sun, green grass, the shade of an oak tree.  Notice we're looking up . . .
Wait, Wait, Wait some more - we can out wait any squirel!

Okay, we're not that patient - time for action.  The squirel never did come down, and they eventually gave up.  It was still a good time!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Any way to keep cool is COOL!!

This picture was sent to us in an e-mail - whatever method is working for you, stick with it.

Also, I wanted to share an article in our local newspaper.  This occurred in Eastern Pennsylvania.  A woman had been out shopping and returned home to unpack her car.  Her chocolate Lab had been with her on the trip.  She got her packages carried inside but failed to get the dog out of the car. (This is hard for me to imagine, but this isn't a cocker!).   While inside her house, she could hear someone blowing a car horn.  She looked outside, saw nothing, but went out to investigate.  She found her dog in the passenger seat, paws on the steering wheel, blowing the horn.  The temperature had rise to 90 degrees, and he had been left behind.  Long story - short . . . she rushed him to the vet, and he is fine.  K-9 ingenuity!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Beach Baby!

This is Zoe Rose with her summer haircut and patriotic scarf.  Notice she's on my beach chair . . .  I won this chair in a drawing several years ago (first time I ever won anything), and all of our kids just love to sit in it.  Maybe because they don't have to jump too high to get on it.  Some days I'll look out the door, and there's two of them sitting on it --  lol!!  Whatever it takes to keep them happy!
I think Mercedes is telling her to move it over and make room!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The holiday is over - still patriotic

The holiday has come and gone.  This is little Murray from last year.  He didn't celebrate the 4th last year, but he did like my flowers with the flag!  This picture was probably taken in Sept 2009.  I'm sure you all know our trivia questions, but I promised to give you the answers!

July birthstone - Ruby
July's flower - sunflowers!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Our long time friends, Mike and Kathy joined us for 4th of July celebration. 
Ralph and Mike are seeking out shade.  Beautiful, hot day . . .
This is one of my new favorite pictures.  We don't look too bad for old, married people.

And of course, when you're not looking, someone snaps your picture.  From left to right - Mercedes, Rain, Zoe Rose and me.  Hope no one else was looking for a seat.

Friday, July 2, 2010

How about a little July trivia?

Just gearing up for the weekend . . .
First what is the birth stone for July?
Okay, you got that - now what is July's flower -- no fair Googling the answer -- check back